
According to i-scoop, digital transformation is,

the profound and accelerating transformation of business activities, processes, competencies and models to fully leverage the changes and opportunities of digital technologies and their impact across society in a strategic and prioritized way.

For me, at it’s simplest form, it’s about moving from traditional offline sales based organisation to digital technology driven marketing organisation where most of the selling in traditional sense is undertaken by marketing with deal closing done by sales.

According to RapidBI, business transformation is,

a change management strategy which has the aim to align People, Process and Technology initiatives of a company more closely with its business strategy and vision.

For me, at it’s simplest form, it’s about bringing change to achieve a step change through process optimisation, people and technology.

For a collection of documents on the subject, do head over to my shared document repository on edocr.  For articles of interest, head over to my archive on Wakelet. Embedded below is a worthy read from Deloitte.



If you like to know how Venture 9 could help you and your organisation, please get in touch with Manoj.

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